James Callon



Mr. Callon has an extensive background that has allowed him to undertake a variety of projects and to speak at a number of forums.

James Callon

Mr. Callon “…we appreciated your openness to discussion, and your careful consideration of industry input on important issues. Your leadership was instrumental in providing direction and vision to the FCAC …and placing the agency on a solid foundation. Canadian Bankers Association.

“Mr. Callon put a great deal of emphasis on promoting a more transparent and responsible insolvency and restructuring system, and challenged all of the parties in the system to take greater accountability for their actions.” (comments from a regulatory stakeholder)

Mr. Callon’s efforts extended far beyond his work with CAIRP. The establishment of three Special Fraud Units to prosecute bankruptcy offences broke new ground and showed real leadership in promoting greater responsibility. He served actively as a member of the International Association of Insolvency Regulators. (comments from a regulatory stakeholder)

Mr. Callon is an experienced consultant in regulatory management and risk based monitoring and supervisory frameworks for the financial sector.  He exceeded client expectations in the quality of the projects’ outputs, in his broad knowledge of agency management and in the expertise of the consulting team he recruited.  He adapts to changing demands, conducts himself with tact and understanding, is flexible in meeting time frames and produces quality work. (Client)

“Thank you for being such a great leader in government …and for your inspirational guidance…”(quote from former colleague)

“I found Jim to be an excellent expert with in-depth knowledge of financial consumer protection in the banking sector.” (client)

Mr. Callon “…approaches problems analytically and methodically and develops operational plans that he then executes well.”    Task Force on the future of the Canadian Financial Service Sector

Advisory Activities

  • United Arab Emirates (2018-2020):
    • Working onsite for the Central Bank in developing and establishing its new financial consumer protection regulatory framework.
  • Vietnam (2018)
    • Develop and deliver consumer protection training.
  • Cambodia (2017) International Finance Corporation:
    • Draft new consumer protection regulations for the central bank of Cambodia and provide workshops for stakeholders.
  • Albania / Serbia (2016) International Finance Corporation:
    • Coordinate, develop and deliver extensive insolvency training and learning tools for the insolvency regulatory staff, insolvency professionals and judges.
  • Cambodia (2014-2015) International Finance Corporation:
    • Identify and assess financial consumer risks and recommend improvements to strengthen the Country’s Financial Consumer Protection Framework for the banking sector. The World Bank published his report on the assessment and his recommendations.
  • Albania / Serbia (2015) International Finance Corporation:
    • Provide an assessment of the proficiency of regulatory staff in both countries, identify competency gaps and recommend a detailed training program to strengthen institutional capacity.
  • Trinidad (2014-2015) International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, International Development:
    • Provide expert advice on the development of new insolvency legislation and regulations; recommend an organizational design and structure for the establishment of the new insolvency regulator; coach the newly appointed regulator; draft operational manuals and advise on process mapping.
  • Barbados (2013-2014) – Ministry of Finance, Government of Barbados:
    • Contracted to manage a team of regulatory experts. Designed, trained and implemented a prudential Risk-Based monitoring and supervisory framework for the Barbados’ new non-banking financial sector regulator. Drafted a comprehensive operations manual.
  • China (2013) – World Bank – Financial & Private Sector Department:
    • Expert member of the WB Assessment Team to provide an assessment of financial consumer risks and recommend improvements to strengthen the Country’s Financial Consumer Protection Framework.
  • Barbados (2012-2013) – Ministry of Finance, Government of Barbados:
    • Contracted to provide long term on-site institutional capacity building including coaching and mentoring for the appointed management team of the new Financial Services Commission (FSC). Developed the agency’s comprehensive business plan, unit work plans, performance evaluation and internal audit plan, training plans, improved internal management structure and reporting framework.
  • Ministry of Finance, Canada (2011-12):
    • Provided research and senior policy advice on a series of financial consumer protection issues including dispute resolution options; strengthening the regulatory framework; scoping evolving consumer issues; and researching / benchmarking international trends since the 2007-08 financial crisis.
  • China: Symposium on Insolvency – Renmin University of China
    • Guest speaker presenting views on the Canadian Insolvency System and Consumer Over Indebtedness.
  • World Bank Group IFC Stakeholder Workshops – Financial Consumer Protection – Cambodia:
    • Introduction To Financial Consumer Protection.
  • World Bank Stakeholder Workshop – Trinidad and Tobago:
    • The New Insolvency Regime.
  • People’s Bank of China Workshop
    • “Financial Consumer Protection: Best Practices and Legal Framework”.
  • The INSOL International Annual Conference 2012 for the Americas Region
    • Panel Discussion: Reform and Re-Evaluation Of Consumer Bankruptcy For The New Economy.
  • Insolvency Institute of Canada Key Note Presentation:
    • An overview of economic issues and announcement of the OSB’s special investigation units.
  • CAIRP Insolvency and Restructuring Forum
    • Enhancing the Regulator’s capacity to detect and investigate debtor compliance issues.
  • OECD-FCAC International Conference on Financial Education “Turning Financial Literacy into Action”
    • Panel Moderator – Consumer Debt.
  • The World Bank’s Insolvency and Creditor/Debtor Regimes Task Force Meetings
    • Panel Discussion – The Regulation Of Insolvency Representatives.
  • University of Toronto, 40th Annual Workshop on commercial and Consumer Law “Looking Back And Forwards”
    • Panel Chair – Consumer Insolvencies.
  • International Association of Insolvency Regulators: Conference theme:- Insolvency: An Instrument for Recovery
    • Insolvency profession and standards.
  • Forum on Asian Insolvency Reforms: Asian Insolvency Reform Agenda: Moving Ahead New Delhi
    • Regulating the insolvency profession: accountability, ethics and costs.
  • International Association of Insolvency Regulators Annual General Meeting & Conference 2009
    • Fraud in the insolvency process.
  • Option Consommateurs, Conférences Du Colloque International: Endettement des consommateurs
    • Panel Chair: État De La Situation De La Consommation Et De L’endettement Au Canada.
  • The Canadian Institute’s 13th Annual Conference – Regulatory Compliance for Financial Institutions
    • Establishing Best Practices for Implementing and Monitoring FCAC Compliance.
  • Senate of Canada, Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce
    • As Acting Commissioner, Financial Consumer Agency of Canada, provided evidence about the agency’s mandate and role in the context of Bill C-37.
  • House of Commons, Finance Committee
    • Provide evidence on Bill C-37 An Act to amend the law governing financial institutions.
  • The Canadian Institute’s 12th Annual Conference – Regulatory Compliance For Financial Institutions
    • Consumer Complaints and the FCAC: Where Are We Now and Where Are We Going?
  • Series of Canadian Institute’s Conferences
    • Payment Card Compliance
    • Regulatory Compliance for Financial Institutions
    • Market Conduct Regulation.